For some reasons, there are no really good photo magazines published in Denmark. Fortunately, there are alternatives nearby. These are my personal picks:

The Swedish Tidningen Foto is an all-round magazine, which normally presents 2-3 photographers in each volume: up comings, established or classics. Predominant themes are nature, journalism and art-photo. Pictures are presented with an interview or a thorough introduction – sometimes even touching upon social or political aspects. Gear is tested technically, but also written about from the point of view of real use. If I could pick only one magazine, this would be the one. (UPDATE: Unfortunately Tidningen Foto was closed down at the beginning of 2015 – RIP).

The german Fotomagazin is – for better and for worse – like a more glamorous version of Tidningen Foto. Lots of photos too, mainly in genres such as glamour, architecture and art. Often very impressive examples of contemporary mainstream photography. But social or political criticism is rare. Technical test are very thorough, but based more on measurements rather than real user experience.
Finally British Practical Photography. This one is quite different from the others: this is really the do-it-yourself magazine for the serious amateur photographer. Very thorough articles on how to shoot specific scenes, how to use specific techniques, etc. Mostly in the area of landscape, nature and architecture. Those beautiful sunsets and rustic ruins might get a little boring, though. As your only photomag it would leave you a bit pictorially undernourished. But it’s a nice supplement for the two previous.