Women in politics and photography

Tudor-Hart frontpage

On a recent trip to Berlin I happened to buy a couple of photo books. One was about Tina Modotti (1896-1942), whom I already knew vaguely, another about Edith Tudor-Hart (1908-1973) whom I frankly had never heard about before. The book was still wrapped in cellophane, so I could not take a look inside, but I decided to buy it based on the text on the back-cover alone.

Accidentally, Modotti and Tudor-Hart seem to have had a lot in common. They were both women, obviously, and not very far apart in age.  They both lived most of their lives in exile or as immigrants. And they were both very much involved in the political struggles of their time, as communists and antifascists.

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Light in the night

On the night of November 9, 1938, the Nazis attacked Jewish homes, shops and synagogues all over Germany, effectively initiating the holocaust. This horrible night has since become known as the Kristallnacht – or Crystal night – because of all the shattered glass in the streets.

The Kristallnacht is commemorated every year in central Copenhagen, as a manifestation for human rights, against racism and fascism.

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Day for Detroit

Today is ”Day for Detroit”: a number of art blogs will write about art in Detroit, and especially the ongoing threats to the “Detroit Institute of Art”.

I am not exactly an art blogger, but since I have veneration for Detroit, I think I would make a short contribution anyway.

Rivera murals at the DIA
Visitors to the DIA admiring Diego Riveras famous murals.

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K-5 II: First impressions

In recent years, my DSLR has been a Pentax K10D. It is in many ways an excellent camera, but it also has its weaknesses, and since the model was launched in 2006, it is in many ways outdated by today’s standard. In fact, Pentax has launched four new top models since K10D. Finally, I thought it was time for a replacement, and have bought a K-5 II. These are some of my first impressions after a few weeks of use. The target audience is primarily other Pentax users, who might be considering an upgrade.

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In April I made a short trip to Turkey, as I was invited to speak at the European Museum Academy’s presentation of the Micheletti-award in Bursa. A few travel photos are now on Flickr.

Baroso: New Deal for Europe

Guardian.uk: In a surprise announcement EU Chairman Baroso today told the press, that European leaders has reached an agreement on a tax on financial transactions. Revenues are to be spent on job creation through investment in infrastructure, green energy and education. “This is a New Deal for Europe”, says Baroso. “In the light of social … Read more

Android 4 on Galaxy tab 8.9

I have a Samsung galaxy 8.9 tablet. I’m generally pleased with. The size is fine, the hardware is fine – and so is Android, more or less……

There are some areas of the Android 3.2 that comes with the tablet, which could have been more refined. But what is worse: it is not completely stable. And as I’ve had more and more apps installed – and uninstalled – it’s been so unstable, that it freezes at least once a day.

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