Leica SMC-A

In the middle of Copenhagen there is a rather posh photo store. Often, when I pass by, I see a small mountain of Holgas in the shop window, sitting between Leicas and Linhofs. FYI the Holga is a Chinese toy camera, known for its cheap plastic lens, false light, heavy vignetting and unpredictable colour rendering … Read more

Lightroom Beta 3

The Adobe Lightroom Beta 3 has been released for download. I’ve been playing around with it for an hour or so, and my first impression is: no revolutionary changes, by a lot of minor improvements. Just to mention a few: More intuitive import function Publishing directly to Flickr – not with all the features of … Read more

Krass Clement at Nivaagaard

This is a rare occasion: an exhibition of Krass Clement. It is Nivaagaard art museum in North Zealand which shows a retrospective with pictures from the last 22 years. I can only think off one criticism: the exhibition should have been larger. Fortunately for those of you who live far from Nivå, there is a very … Read more

Grabbing the long end…

…using the SMC-A 135/2.8

Most of my pictures are shot with focal lengths below 55mm. But sometimes its fun to change perspective.

Nytorv (1/250, F7,1)

One of the nice things about being a Pentax use is that you don’t have to be a millionaire to try out different types of lenses. Since you can mount any Pentax lens manufactured since 1975 on a present day Pentax DSLR, there is a wide range of second hand lenses to choose from.

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Foto magazines

For some reasons, there are no really good photo magazines published in Denmark. Fortunately, there are alternatives nearby. These are my personal picks: The Swedish Tidningen Foto is an all-round magazine, which normally presents 2-3 photographers in each volume: up comings, established or classics. Predominant themes are nature, journalism and art-photo. Pictures are presented with … Read more